You will become as small as your controlling desires or as great as your dominant aspiration . If asked to define “Success”, you would probably list impressive achievements, wealth, fame, power, freedom and influence. You would be right, and you would be wrong. Success is so much more. Success is an attitude that unfolds the very best in EVERY aspect of your life. So why does it seem elusive? Because most people are so focused on selected results that they fail to understand that success isn’t a result, it’s a process with measurable steps all of which start with a singe choice. Success is not a thing – not a reward that awaits you at some far off time. Success lies in doing well whatever thing you are doing now . It is more a matter of mental attitude than of mental or physical capacity. You have all the fundamentals of it right now. But it is only the USE of them that can make you successful. It is the way you use what you have. You can succeed with what you have at this moment,